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Karibu Maktaba Wazi !


Maktaba Wazi, which means Open Library in the Swahili language is a program that I started together with the Busungu Community Center (BCC). It is an after-school program where we open our library to any child from any school aged 5-18 where they are met with volunteer librarians to create an environment that encourages bilingual literacy, and positive attitudes toward learning.

I wanted to create a unique program that could utilize foreign and local volunteers alike while we tailor the program to the needs of our community such as increasing literacy in Swahili and English. In less than 6 months the program has offered more than 2000 library sessions to the children in the community. These library sessions were offered completely free thanks to the contribution of volunteers, community leaders, and the BCC leadership. Although we have been successful so far we need your help for the project to grow. Here are some ways you contribute to literacy in Tanzania.


Volunteer With us in Dar Es Salaam 

Maktaba Wazi depends on volunteers who come engage with the children by reading or being read to, help with writing, teach English lessons, and organize extracurricular activities like football and various art lessons.


Donate Books

We have a need for high-quality children's books specifically with black and African characters in them. Books can be purchased for a cheap price in Dar es Salaam or brought to the country from abroad. 



Maktaba Wazi has small operational expenses such as electricity, stationery, printing handouts, and transportation fees for our Tanzanian volunteers. We also have goals of buying a projector and a printer for the project. Any fundraising attempts for the project no matter how small would go a long way. By now I know most of the book merchants in Kariakoo, I can get children's books for 1,500-3,000 Shillings (0.75$-1.50) each. Even 20$ could help us improve our catalog. 



To see how you can get involved contact me at my email - 


The website the the BCC - or at Instargarm @BusunguCommunity


Thank you for showing interest in Maktaba Wazi !

Shuguhuli za Maktaba Wazi

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